Creating social online spaces to facilitate learning for identity transformation

The world of work is undergoing fundamental transformations. Bringing employees into the position of shaping change instead of merely reacting is one of the key challenges lifelong learning as well as learning & development faces.

A neglected, but crucial aspect here is the employee’s‘ professional identity, which is a key factor developing resilience in a world characterized by uncertainty. It empowers individuals, and determines motivation and openness to new developments – and overcomes obstructionism and frustration often associated with change processes.

But helping individuals to transform the identity requires new approaches to learning which target at “deeper learning” and which puts the autonomy of the learner and conversations between them to the center.


Identities are often communicated and developed using stories: stories we tell about our jobs and ourselves, and stories others tell about us. But today‘s workplaces often don‘t give opportunities for exchanging narratives. But they are particularly helping in uncovering experiential and affective components, which are hidden success factors and barriers.

For Learning & Development thinks creates new and more efficient ways of addressing the changing needs and increasing pressures.

  • Move away from face-to-face training towards engaging social online courses to stimulate reflection and mutual support between participants
  • Create and foster community spaces for developing narratives, exchange experiences horizontally and vertically, and
  • build better professional networks

This can be achieved through cost-effective solutions that have been successfully used in several organizations.

How you can benefit

  • Exploration Workshop: to explore particular needs and most promising areas of support
  • Facilitate developing your own Social Online Courses, tailored to the needs of the individual organisation, including pedagogy, moderation techniques, platform, and contribution of content
  • Social Learning Programme as a service: ready-to-use social online course and platform for quick start – plus course design and facilitation if required
  • Consulting on developing social learning solutions, such as community platforms

Get in touch

You can get a taste of our course materials by joining our free online course on the Changing World of Work and Identity Transformation.

If you want to learn more and discuss with us what we can do for you, contact us for a free webinar.